First derivative

If $f$ is a real function and $x$ a real variable, let

be its first derivative. Suppose now that $x = x(t)$ and we would like to know the behaviour of $f$ with respect to $t$, that is:

As in a previous post, the chain rule can be applied:

In particular, given the following ordinary, homogeneous, linear differential equation:

If it should be rewritten in terms of the variable $t$, $\ref{a}$ can be rewritten in the following form:

so that it is immediately available for a substitution in equation $\ref{b}$. If also $f[x(t)]$ will replace $f(x)$, equation $\ref{b}$ becomes a differential equation entirely written in terms of the new variable $t$. A full change of variable has been performed.

The specific case of a linear relation between $x(t)$ and $t$ is remarkable and recurring. Let

Relation $\ref{c}$ undergoes a noticeable simplification. It becomes:

Therefore, when $x(t)$ is a linear function, the first derivative of $f(x)$ with respect to $x$ can be easily replaced by the first derivative with respect to the new variable $t$, appropriately scaled by the factor $1 / \alpha$, which is exactly the scale factor between $t$ and $x$ ($\beta$ only represents a spatial shift, with no influence on scaling).

Second derivative

Given $f(x)$ and $x(t)$, it may be also necessary to determine the second derivative of $f(x)$ with respect to the new variable $t$. Deriving with respect to $t$ both sides of the chain rule $\ref{a}$:

The Right Hand Side represents a simple product of functions, so the product rule is applied:

This new relation could appear as a not trivial expression. However, note that $\displaystyle \frac{ \mathrm{d} f(x) }{ \mathrm{d}x }$ is itself a new function of $x$: considering

the relation $\ref{e}$ can be rewritten as follows:

and more easily simplified. Being $x = x(t)$, the chain rule can be applied to determine $\displaystyle \frac{\mathrm{d} g(x)}{\mathrm{d} t} $ exactly as it has already been done in $\ref{a}$:

Substituing $\ref{h}$ in $\ref{g}$:

which is

or more explicitly (remembering $\ref{f}$):


which is the correspondent of $\ref{c}$, as regards the second derivative. Expression $\ref{j}$ may be again simplified if a linear relation $x(t) = \alpha t + \beta$ is considered: the second derivative $\displaystyle \frac{\mathrm{d}^2 x(t) }{\mathrm{d} t^2}$ with respect to $t$ is $0$. Equation $\ref{i}$ becomes:

Substituing in $\ref{j}$:

In general, when $x(t) = \alpha t + \beta$, the $n$-th derivative of $f(x)$ with respect to $x$ can be determined in terms of the derivative of $f[x(t)]$ as:

For more information about this kind of substitution, refer to: change of variables, differential equations section.

Given an ordinary, homogeneous, linear, second order differential equation:

if $x(t) = \alpha t + \beta$ it can be rewritten in terms of $t$ as follows:

Rewriting $f[x(t)]$ as $h(t)$, it becomes:

It is even more explicit that, after the substitutions, $t$ has become the only variable.

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