Considering the hyperbolic sine $\sinh(x)$ and its definition, it should not be surprising that its inverse function $\mathrm{arcsin}(x)$ (also known as $\sinh^{-1}(x)$) is odd, as well. This can be analytically proved in more than one way.

Proof 1

It is presented in WikiProof. Let

$x \in \mathbb{R}$. Compute the hyperbolic sine of both members in $\ref{a}$ and, as regards the Right Hand Side, apply the definition of inverse hyperbolic sine: $\sinh \left[ \mathrm{arcsinh}(\alpha) \right] = \alpha$:

The hyperbolic sine is an odd function: therefore,

Compute the inverse hyperbolic sine of both members (and again apply the definition of inverse hyperbolic sine as before, in the Right Hand Side):

Comparing $\ref{b}$ to $\ref{a}$:

which proves the initial statement.

Proof 2

The inverse hyperbolic sine can be defined in terms of a logarithm:

where $\log$ is the natural logarithm. If the variable $-x$ is substituted to $x$,

it seems not immediate to deduce that the function is odd. However, note that:

Summing the members of $\ref{c}$ and $\ref{d}$:

Remembering the logarithmic identity for a product:


which proves the initial statement.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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The contents in WikiProof was distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. According to this page, it is compatible with the license of the present document. For any issue, please contact thecurlingteam ( at ) gmx ( dot ) com.